As a rule, gundrills wear in three distinct areas: at the point, the face, and the outer diameter. After regrinding, each of these should be returned to their original factory specifications. The area most commonly missed is the outer diameter, which is often left in less than pristine condition and should not be used as-is.
A good indicator of this is a noticeable difference in tool life as compared to a new tool. Whether new or reconditioned, however, Star SU recommends that customers attempting to optimize machining conditions do so in a scientific manner, changing one parameter or cutting tool attribute at a time and documenting the results until the desired outcome is achieved.
Star Cutter Company has developed into a world leader in the cutting tool industry. Each of our six manufacturing facilities specializes in producing a specific type of product or service: solid carbide cutting tools, carbide blanks and preforms, gundrills, gear cutting tools, and 5-axis CNC tool and cutter grinding machines.
23461 Industrial Park Drive
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Tel. 248-474-8200
Fax. 248-474-9518